Thursday, November 25, 2010

Voter Apathy

I agree with "The Texas Talk". Voter turnout is abysmal in the United States, and worse yet, voter IQ is almost nonexistent. Our populace lacks basic knowledge about a majority of political issues prevalent today. This leads to two outcomes, both of which hurt our society. The first is that uninformed voters stay at home on election days, refusing to vote due to their lack of knowledge of the issues and candidates. Of course, as my colleague says, it would only take five or ten minutes a day to become more educated about political issues than most people. The other, possibly worse, outcome occurs when uninformed voters actually vote. While it is encouraging to see people vote, uninformed citizens often vote either randomly or based off of irrelevant factors such as name recognition. We need to encourage our peers to not only get out and vote, but also to become informed about the issues and candidates that affect our lives. I think "The Texas Talk" and I are in agreement on that point.

Please visit "The Texas Talk" for reference.

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